May 18, 2010

It's nearly time to say goodbye...


Sorry for missing for a longggg time(almost 2 months since the last update!!!!).

Although it's during the summer vacation,I really find that there are many things to do,especially a lot of housework(s)I have to do.

Happy time really flies...only two weeks left before coming back to one of the most busiest town in the world.I'm going to be the junior in the university in two weeks...

If there is something I really want to do if I can change the must be the better decision in entrance.It's the worst story I have ever felt in my own lfe.I will tell about it next time.

'Home is where your heart is',this phrase always got stuck in my heart,and every time I have to leave my home...It's very hard to do that.

Well...I know that I can't change the past,but I really can't stand feeling homesick anymore.

See ya next time,
Brighten Sky
Martedi 18, maggio