June 6, 2010

Nightmare In The Real World


As Telling about one of the worst experience in my life in the last update,it's time to tell about it much more.Besides,if you don't want to feel bad or disappointed ,etc.,it's good idea to leave this blog right now.

O.K. Let's begin...

Everyone should have a dream at least one time in their lives.Some are good dream that they don't want to forget,however, others can be the bad dream they really don't want it to become the real one.

Twenty years has passed since I was born into this world.So many dreams and experiences I have passed through,but it is only one I can't help feeling very bad everytime I think about it.This experience happened three years ago.

At that time,I was still a highschool student who truely believed that everything around me will be better if I really try...

Try to passed the entrance examination for one of the most popular faculties in Thailand.

Faculty of Medicine...

My parents have their jobs as the doctors, so it's like the decision I (must) be a doctor,too.

I didn't refuse of this true,because I think I would become the good and friendly doctor like my mom and my dad did.

Almost two years I spent in studying very very hard than I ever have before,also entirely believed that I can pass this examination.

But...Ihe result didn't become as I thought...

Two marks I have lost in Physics subject...It's two marks that make me failed the examination...

My entire score had passed the exam,but, due to the rule, My Physics score didn't pass thirty,it's only twenty-eight.

Like the entire world become ruined in front of my face...

Like the nightmare that become the real one...

I didn't remember how much tear I have lost at that time,but frankly,I never feel so much bad as this before.

Like everything around me was vanished away...

Did I do anything wrong?

I try really really hard...Studying everyday with all my hope...preparing myself the best for this examination for almost three years.

But thing I received is the true I didn't really want.


At that time I really understand the feeling of everyone who commited suicide because of failing the entrance examination.

Almost three years have passed,but this nightmare still haunts me as it only happens yesterday.

Destiny?...Doom?...whatever you will call it...it doesn't matter because I can't do anything to change the past.

Just only wish that someday the old me will come back with the friendly smile again.

See ya next time,
Brighten Sky
Domenica,6th Giugno

P.S. Really sorry again for making you feel bad either.

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